A good witticism will be one that can be understood by everyone, and that is what does to wit mean. Basically, witticism is about putting humour into everyday situations. It is all about injecting some lightness into otherwise mundane and serious situations to make them more fun to deal with.
Wit is an artistic form of clever wit, usually witty and often humorous: A witty person is one who is capable of making witty and interesting comments on any given subject. In legal writing, it is used mainly in cases where a party is trying to prove its point with regards to an act or set of facts, usually related to some specific law or legal case. Examples of the use of this phrase include vidalquettes in movies and television shows, and in essays and writings on constitutional law, especially regarding separation of powers.
The other type of wit is called pomodorism, or literally – “writing down what one has in mind.” This type of witty banter or dialogue is one of the most popular forms of wit nowadays and basically refers to an individual who uses alliteration or redundancy in ordinary speech to impress a reader or another person. An example of such a phrase would be “That’s nothing personal, Tom. “, which implies that the speaker is trying to say that he has nothing to do with the matter in hand, whereas in the second phrase, the speaker is trying to prove that he is involved in it by simply repeating the phrase.
One other type of wit is called videlicet – which means “to criticize in a polite manner.” A polite way of criticizing something in a polite manner, as in this case, would be through the use of a question to infer something from what is stated or implied. In other words, to ask “How’s that?” when something is mentioned, for instance, in everyday conversation. A good example of such a phrase is “You shouldn’t wear that,” which means that the speaker is questioning how you, the listener, can differentiate between what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. “Vsidelicet” can also mean “informal” or “polite.”
Thus, we can see that all four types of witticisms – are just as valid as each other as each has its own place in society. “What does to wit mean?” is still the most popular question asked about it, but there are “how” and “where” to get the answers to that query, as well as “when” and “why.”
As an example, let’s say – “What does to wit mean” is being asked about legal writing in a law journal. The correct answer to the question would be, “It depends.” Legal writing is more specific than everyday conversation. When asking “what does that mean?” for example, it would be appropriate to inquire “Whence does that word come from?”